Pine 创始人。 Timothy Engqvist Johansson概述, Timothy Engqvist Johansson信息, Timothy Engqvist Johansson区块链, Timothy Engqvist Johansson维基, Timothy Engqvist Johansson社交, Timothy Engqvist Johansson Medium, Tim
比特币传播者、公共演讲者与播客。 Chris DeRose概述, Chris DeRose信息, Chris DeRose区块链, Chris DeRose维基, Chris DeRose社交, Chris DeRose Medium, Chris DeRose ICO, Chris DeRose回顾, Chris DeRose快讯, Chris DeRose追踪
加密与挖矿爱好者。 Thomas Costanzo概述, Thomas Costanzo信息, Thomas Costanzo区块链, Thomas Costanzo维基, Thomas Costanzo社交, Thomas Costanzo Medium, Thomas Costanzo ICO, Thomas Costanzo回顾, Thomas Costanzo快讯, Thomas Cos
Sparkswap 创始人。 Trey Griffith概述, Trey Griffith信息, Trey Griffith区块链, Trey Griffith维基, Trey Griffith社交, Trey Griffith Medium, Trey Griffith ICO, Trey Griffith回顾, Trey Griffith快讯, Trey Griffith追踪
Livepeer 创意总监、社区布道者。 Chris Hobcroft概述, Chris Hobcroft信息, Chris Hobcroft区块链, Chris Hobcroft维基, Chris Hobcroft社交, Chris Hobcroft Medium, Chris Hobcroft ICO, Chris Hobcroft回顾, Chris Hobcroft快讯, Chris Ho
Blockchain Nigeria User Group 联合创始人。 Faith Titus概述, Faith Titus信息, Faith Titus区块链, Faith Titus维基, Faith Titus社交, Faith Titus Medium, Faith Titus ICO, Faith Titus回顾, Faith Titus快讯, Faith Titus追踪
Bitnomial 信息技术总监。 Matthew Wraith概述, Matthew Wraith信息, Matthew Wraith区块链, Matthew Wraith维基, Matthew Wraith社交, Matthew Wraith Medium, Matthew Wraith ICO, Matthew Wraith回顾, Matthew Wraith快讯, Matthew Wra
Staked 联合创始人。 Jonathan Marcus概述, Jonathan Marcus信息, Jonathan Marcus区块链, Jonathan Marcus维基, Jonathan Marcus社交, Jonathan Marcus Medium, Jonathan Marcus ICO, Jonathan Marcus回顾, Jonathan Marcus快讯, Jonath
StarkWare 产品经理。 Louis Guthmann概述, Louis Guthmann信息, Louis Guthmann区块链, Louis Guthmann维基, Louis Guthmann社交, Louis Guthmann Medium, Louis Guthmann ICO, Louis Guthmann回顾, Louis Guthmann快讯, Louis Guthman
Loki 开发工程师。 Ryan Tharp概述, Ryan Tharp信息, Ryan Tharp区块链, Ryan Tharp维基, Ryan Tharp社交, Ryan Tharp Medium, Ryan Tharp ICO, Ryan Tharp回顾, Ryan Tharp快讯, Ryan Tharp追踪
Zero Knowledge Education 创始人。 Harry Glynn概述, Harry Glynn信息, Harry Glynn区块链, Harry Glynn维基, Harry Glynn社交, Harry Glynn Medium, Harry Glynn ICO, Harry Glynn回顾, Harry Glynn快讯, Harry Glynn追踪 与 TotheBlockchain 创始人。 Jonathan Otto概述, Jonathan Otto信息, Jonathan Otto区块链, Jonathan Otto维基, Jonathan Otto社交, Jonathan Otto Medium, Jonathan Otto ICO, Jonathan Otto回顾, Jonathan Otto快讯, Jonath
Gnosis 数学家、开发工程师。 Benjamin Smith概述, Benjamin Smith信息, Benjamin Smith区块链, Benjamin Smith维基, Benjamin Smith社交, Benjamin Smith Medium, Benjamin Smith ICO, Benjamin Smith回顾, Benjamin Smith快讯, Benjamin Sm
充满创意的、注重协作的跨链黑客松。 Hack the Rainbow概述, Hack the Rainbow信息, Hack the Rainbow区块链, Hack the Rainbow维基, Hack the Rainbow社交, Hack the Rainbow Medium, Hack the Rainbow ICO, Hack the Rainbow回顾, Hack the Rain
ConsenSys Diligence 安全研究员。 Valentin Wustholz概述, Valentin Wustholz信息, Valentin Wustholz区块链, Valentin Wustholz维基, Valentin Wustholz社交, Valentin Wustholz Medium, Valentin Wustholz ICO, Valentin Wustholz
专业数字货币 Trader,擅长于行情技术分析。 AlbertTheKing概述, AlbertTheKing信息, AlbertTheKing区块链, AlbertTheKing维基, AlbertTheKing社交, AlbertTheKing Medium, AlbertTheKing ICO, AlbertTheKing回顾, AlbertTheKing快讯, AlbertTheKing
知名财经博主,区块链超级话题主持人。 辛泓睿概述, 辛泓睿信息, 辛泓睿区块链, 辛泓睿维基, 辛泓睿社交, 辛泓睿 Medium, 辛泓睿 ICO, 辛泓睿回顾, 辛泓睿快讯, 辛泓睿追踪
Facebook 区块链项目的商务拓展总监。 Catherine Porter概述, Catherine Porter信息, Catherine Porter区块链, Catherine Porter维基, Catherine Porter社交, Catherine Porter Medium, Catherine Porter ICO, Catherine Porter回顾, Catherin
Pantera Capital 合伙人。 Paul Brodsky概述, Paul Brodsky信息, Paul Brodsky区块链, Paul Brodsky维基, Paul Brodsky社交, Paul Brodsky Medium, Paul Brodsky ICO, Paul Brodsky回顾, Paul Brodsky快讯, Paul Brodsky追踪
Staked 联合创始人兼首席技术官。 Seth Riney概述, Seth Riney信息, Seth Riney区块链, Seth Riney维基, Seth Riney社交, Seth Riney Medium, Seth Riney ICO, Seth Riney回顾, Seth Riney快讯, Seth Riney追踪
Casa 首席执行官兼产品负责人。 Nick Neuman概述, Nick Neuman信息, Nick Neuman区块链, Nick Neuman维基, Nick Neuman社交, Nick Neuman Medium, Nick Neuman ICO, Nick Neuman回顾, Nick Neuman快讯, Nick Neuman追踪
Multis 联合创始人兼首席技术官。 Theophile Villard概述, Theophile Villard信息, Theophile Villard区块链, Theophile Villard维基, Theophile Villard社交, Theophile Villard Medium, Theophile Villard ICO, Theophile Villard回顾, The
前 Coinbase 加密工程开发的负责人。 Matthew Werner概述, Matthew Werner信息, Matthew Werner区块链, Matthew Werner维基, Matthew Werner社交, Matthew Werner Medium, Matthew Werner ICO, Matthew Werner回顾, Matthew Werner快讯, Matthe
incento 联合创始人。 Krish Tripathi概述, Krish Tripathi信息, Krish Tripathi区块链, Krish Tripathi维基, Krish Tripathi社交, Krish Tripathi Medium, Krish Tripathi ICO, Krish Tripathi回顾, Krish Tripathi快讯, Krish Tripathi
Zilliqa 联合创始人兼首席技术官。 贾瑶琪概述, 贾瑶琪信息, 贾瑶琪区块链, 贾瑶琪维基, 贾瑶琪社交, 贾瑶琪 Medium, 贾瑶琪 ICO, 贾瑶琪回顾, 贾瑶琪快讯, 贾瑶琪追踪
Root Protocols 首席品牌官。 Jason Hetherington概述, Jason Hetherington信息, Jason Hetherington区块链, Jason Hetherington维基, Jason Hetherington社交, Jason Hetherington Medium, Jason Hetherington ICO, Jason Hethering
DerivaDEX 运营主管。 Mathieu Baril概述, Mathieu Baril信息, Mathieu Baril区块链, Mathieu Baril维基, Mathieu Baril社交, Mathieu Baril Medium, Mathieu Baril ICO, Mathieu Baril回顾, Mathieu Baril快讯, Mathieu Baril追踪
WEB3 基金会的研究分析师。 Logan Saether概述, Logan Saether信息, Logan Saether区块链, Logan Saether维基, Logan Saether社交, Logan Saether Medium, Logan Saether ICO, Logan Saether回顾, Logan Saether快讯, Logan Saether追踪
Gauss Ventures 合伙人。 Ruth Wandhofer概述, Ruth Wandhofer信息, Ruth Wandhofer区块链, Ruth Wandhofer维基, Ruth Wandhofer社交, Ruth Wandhofer Medium, Ruth Wandhofer ICO, Ruth Wandhofer回顾, Ruth Wandhofer快讯, Ruth Wand
Decred 社区开发工程师。 Matheus Degiovani概述, Matheus Degiovani信息, Matheus Degiovani区块链, Matheus Degiovani维基, Matheus Degiovani社交, Matheus Degiovani Medium, Matheus Degiovani ICO, Matheus Degiovani回顾, Matheus
区块链的投资者、顾问、影响力者。 Oliver Isaacs概述, Oliver Isaacs信息, Oliver Isaacs区块链, Oliver Isaacs维基, Oliver Isaacs社交, Oliver Isaacs Medium, Oliver Isaacs ICO, Oliver Isaacs回顾, Oliver Isaacs快讯, Oliver Isaacs追踪
Protocol Labs 研究管理员。 Jonathan Gross概述, Jonathan Gross信息, Jonathan Gross区块链, Jonathan Gross维基, Jonathan Gross社交, Jonathan Gross Medium, Jonathan Gross ICO, Jonathan Gross回顾, Jonathan Gross快讯, Jonathan
LedgerX 联合创始人兼首席运营官。 Juthica Chou概述, Juthica Chou信息, Juthica Chou区块链, Juthica Chou维基, Juthica Chou社交, Juthica Chou Medium, Juthica Chou ICO, Juthica Chou回顾, Juthica Chou快讯, Juthica Chou追踪
LSDai 联合创始人。 Dan Matthews概述, Dan Matthews信息, Dan Matthews区块链, Dan Matthews维基, Dan Matthews社交, Dan Matthews Medium, Dan Matthews ICO, Dan Matthews回顾, Dan Matthews快讯, Dan Matthews追踪
Figure 1 产品总监,曾在 USV 投资团队工作。 Jonathan Libov概述, Jonathan Libov信息, Jonathan Libov区块链, Jonathan Libov维基, Jonathan Libov社交, Jonathan Libov Medium, Jonathan Libov ICO, Jonathan Libov回顾, Jonathan Libov快讯,
Web3 基金会研究分析总监。 Alistair Stewart概述, Alistair Stewart信息, Alistair Stewart区块链, Alistair Stewart维基, Alistair Stewart社交, Alistair Stewart Medium, Alistair Stewart ICO, Alistair Stewart回顾, Alistair Stewar